The latest of my experiments in making sourdough boules is using Khorasan whole grain flour purchased from Breadtopia. (Much Khorasan flour is sold under the trademark Kamut, although this flour was not.) Khorasan is an ancient wheat most closely related to modern durum wheat. This is a variation of 100% Red Fife Sourdough Boule. The only change I made was a slight increase in hydration to 80% because the dough looked a bit dry when I mixed it up. The final product was very good.
11.5 g 50/50 sourdough starter (a bit more is fine)
60 g. water
70 g. Khorasan whole grain flour
Final Dough
369 g. water
28.5 g. honey
¼ tsp. yeast
461 g. Khorasan whole grain flour
11.5 g. (1-5/8 tsp.) salt
Vegetable oil for oiling surfaces
On Day 1 mix together the levain ingredients. Cover and allow to ferment until doubled, which will probably take around 12 hours.
On the morning of Day 2, put the risen levain into the bowl of a stand mixer. Add the water, honey, and yeast and mix well. Add the flour and salt. Mix with a dough whisk and then with a dough hook until a smooth slightly sticky dough forms, about 4 minutes.
Lightly oil a work surface and a doubling container. Put the dough on the greased work surface. Lightly oil your hands and stretch and fold the dough four times. Form into a ball, put it in the greased doubling container, and cover it. After 40 minutes, stretch and fold it a second time with oiled hands. After another 40 minutes, stretch and fold it a third time. Then let it ferment at room temperature until it nearly doubles, which will take 1-2 hours.
After the dough has proofed, flour a work surface and a banneton with a cloth liner. Ease the dough out of the doubling container and with floured hands form it into a ball. Put it in the banneton seam side up and put the entire container in a clean plastic bag, such as a supermarket produce bag. Tie the bag closed and put the banneton and bag into the refrigerator for an overnight rise.
The next morning, put a heavy oven-proof pot and lid (~5 quart in size) separately into the oven and heat to 450 degrees. After about 30 minutes when everything is preheated, carefully remove the pot from the oven and turn the banneton upside down over the empty pot. (If using the combo cooker, score the top with a lamé or sharp knife in a hashtag pattern.) After the dough falls into the pot, put the lid on and bake for 30 minutes. Remove the lid and bake for another 15-20 minutes until the crust is nicely browned but not burned. Remove the pot from the oven and with a spatula, remove the bread from the pot and allow to cool on a wire rack for at least 30 minutes before cutting it.