Pitas are more about the technique than about the recipe, although a wet dough is necessary.
This dough is a variation of Pitas, which in turn was a variation of the dough in Pizza for Many or For One
This version of pita was made with a keto flour and a local specialty flour which I recently bought at Good Foods Grocery. (Sub Rosa is a famous Richmond bakery which has its own flour mill. They now sell stone ground Rouge de Bordeaux flour in whole grain and sifted versions.) The combination of flours produces a lower glycemic dough with a bit of whole wheat character. I increased the water by 1 oz. to adapt to the different flour.
6.5 oz. King Arthur keto flour
6.5 oz. Sub Rosa sifted wheat flour
1-1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. yeast
11 oz. warmish water
Mix together the dry ingredients. Mix in the water until all of the flour is moistened. Cover and allow to rest for 15 minutes. (This autolyse step improves gluten development.) Briefly knead. The dough will be very sticky. Allow to rise until doubled, which will take 4-7 hours depending on the temperature of the kitchen.
Preheat a pizza steel or pizza stone at 475 degrees, until you are sure it has reached that temperature. (The steel comes to temperature much faster than the stone.)
Divide the dough into 8 pieces, and form them into balls. On a floured surface, roll out each of the balls until it is a disk about 8 inches in diameter and about 1/4 inch thick. You may need to roll out the disks partway, let them rest covered for 10 minutes, and roll them out a second time to get them to be 8 inches in diameter. This dough is not very extensible.
Bake the disks in batches so that they do not touch each other. After about a minute, the disks will start to puff as the moisture in the center of the dough is turned to steam and expands. This is what creates the pocket in a pita.
Bake each disk for about 4 minutes, until it is seems fully cooked on the inside and is lightly browned on the outside. Do not over-bake. Remove each baked pita when done and put it on a clean kitchen towel, cover it with the towel and put a light weight on it. The objective is to keep the breads soft and pliable, and the trapped moisture from the towel helps this.
Allow the pitas to fully cool before putting them into a plastic bag.