Reverse Seared Steak

I was recently reading about the virtues of reverse searing a steak, i.e. slowly roasting it in an oven until done, and then finishing it off with a sear in a very hot cast iron frying pan.  If done right, the result is a steak which is evenly cooked to the preferred level of doneness and has a good crust.  (This technique works best with a thick steak.)  As shown in the photograph, I achieved that last night.

My toaster oven can bake at very low temperatures.  I chose 200 degrees.  After drying the steak with paper towels and inserting a thermometer, I roasted it for about an hour before the temperature in the center was 124 degrees.  I then heated a tablespoon of oil in a cast iron skillet until nearly smoking, and seared the steak for about 75 seconds, flipping it several times.

The next time I do this, I might experiment was a slightly higher temperature, like 225 degrees to speed up the process.


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