Taramosalata (Carp Roe Dip)

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This is a classic Greek appetizer, shown here on a slice of baguette. This recipe is an adaptation from what I think is the best community cookbook of all time, The Complete Book of Greek Cooking from the Recipe Club of Saint Paul’s Greek Orthodox Cathedral. It makes about 2 cups. Since olive oil is such a major part of the dish, be sure to use a good fruity olive oil.


¼ cup tarama (carp roe)

8 slices good quality white bread, crusts removed

¼ cup fresh lemon juice

1 tsp. finely grated onion

¾ cup olive oil


Moisten the bread with water and then squeeze dry. Place the bread in the bowl of a food processor with the tarama and pulse until uniformly mixed. Add the lemon juice and grated onion, and pulse until well mixed. With the processor running, add the olive oil in a thin stream to form an emulsion, just as if you were making mayonnaise. Store in the refrigerator. Serve with bread or crackers.


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