This is a higher fiber variation of Khubz , the Arab equivalent of pita. This recipe makes 6 flatbreads (vs. 12 for the original Khubz recipe). They turned out well, but were not very extensible. I may next time increase the water a little. (High fiber flour is thirsty.)
142 g. high gluten flour
142 g. high fiber flour (such as King Arthur Flour’s keto flour)
½ tsp. sugar
½ tsp. salt
1-1/2 tsp. yeast
200 g. water
Put the flour salt and sugar in the bowl of a stand mixer. Mix it a dough whisk. Push the flour mixture to the side and put the yeast in the empty side. Add the water on top of the yeast. Stir a little of the flour into the yeast and water. Allow to rest for 5 minutes to activate the yeast. Stir the rest of the flour into the yeast and water until all the flour is moistened. Cover and allow to rest (autolyse) for 15 minutes. Using the dough hook, knead the dough on medium-low speed for about 5 minutes to form a smooth dough. Put in a doubling container, cover and allow to ferment until doubled, about 30-60 minutes depending on the kitchen temperature.
When the dough had doubled, form it into a log on a floured work surface and cut it into 12 pieces, each of which should weigh around 80 grams. Line a cookie sheet with a silicon mat or baking parchment. Roll each piece into a ball and space them on the sheet. Cover with plastic wrap and allow to rest for 30 minutes.
Heat the Blackstone, griddle or large skillet to medium-high heat. On a floured surface, roll each ball into a thin circle about 9 inches in diameter. Cook on the griddle or skillet about a minute on each side. It will puff and get browned in spots. When cooked through, remove to a cookie sheet lined with a kitchen towel to keep them warm. Do not over-bake since they should stay pliable.