This is how I turned one quarter of Schiacciata with Grapes which was getting a bit stale, into a bread pudding, which was 2 good sized servings. I used half and half because it was open. Otherwise, I would have used heavy cream. This idea could be used for a variety of baked goods which are getting old, such as some croissants which I have in the freezer.
1/3 cup brown sugar
½ cup half and half
1 Tbs. brandy or rum
1 tsp. vanilla
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Put the schiacciata in a small baking dish just large enough for it. Sprinkle it with the brown sugar. Mix together the half and half, brandy or rum, and vanilla, and pour over top of everything. Bake for 30 minutes, or until it is golden brown and the liquid is mostly absorbed.