I have now made two batches of Parmesan cheese using the instructions in Ricki Carroll’s Home Cheese Making pages 140-141. The photo is of one of the cheeses after 6 months of aging in the cheese cave. It looked and tasted like Parmesan – a success.
To assist myself in planning the day and keeping track of where I was, I summarized the steps and elapsed time in the following chart. The key point is that there is a lot of work until step 8b, so it has to be convenient to be up and near the kitchen up to that point.
Step | Description | Time | Cum Time |
1a | Heat milk to 90 degrees F | 0:15 | 0:15 |
1b | Mix in starter and lipase and let ripen | 0:30 | 0:45 |
2a | Add rennet and mix | 0:01 | 0:46 |
2b | Wait for curds to set | 0:30 | 1:16 |
3 | Cut the curds into 1/4 inch cubes | 0:15 | 1:31 |
4 | Heat the curds to 100 degrees while stirring | 0:25 | 1:56 |
5a | Heat the curds to 124 degrees while stiring | 0:40 | 2:36 |
5b | Settle curds | 0:05 | 2:41 |
6a | Drain whey | 0:05 | 2:46 |
6b | Pack curds into mold | 0:05 | 2:51 |
6c | Apply 5 lbs. of pressure | 0:15 | 3:06 |
7a | Redress curds and turn over cheese | 0:05 | 3:11 |
7b | Apply 10 lbs. of pressure | 0:30 | 3:41 |
8a | Redress curds and turn over cheese | 0:05 | 3:46 |
8b | Apply 15 lbs. of pressure | 2:00 | 5:46 |
9a | Redress curds and turn over cheese | 0:05 | 5:51 |
9b | Apply 20 lbs. of pressure | 12:00 | 17:51 |
10a | Unwrap cheese | 0:05 | 17:56 |
10b | Make brine | 0:05 | 18:01 |
10c | Soak cheese in brine | 24:00 | 42:01 |
11a | Remove cheese from brine and pat dry | ||
11b | Place in cave at 55 degrees and 85% humidity | ||
15 | After 2 months rub surface with olive oil | ||
16 | Age the cheese (2-6 months at 50 degrees) |
For the first batch, I cut the curd with a curd knife, and continued to cut any largish curds. For the second batch, I cut the curd with a whisk, which worked better at breaking the curd into small pieces. In fact, I was so successful at separating the curds and the whey on the second batch, that I was concerned after the first 5 lb. pressing, that the curds were not going to adhere together fully. It turned out that they did.
I did not make as much brine as suggested in the recipe, since it seemed to be overkill to have a gallon of brine for a cheese which was about 1.5 lbs.. I made half as much, and it turned out fine.

The photo is of one of the cheeses after the pressing and before brining.