Spatchcocked Peruvian-Style Grilled Chicken

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Last night, Nick and I grilled 2 spatchcocked chickens to general applause, based on a recipe in, and which we served with Peruvian Green Sauce, also based on Serious Eats.  This recipe does not involve marinading time, so it can be completed within a couple of hours, depending on the size of the chicken.  This will serve 4 people.

1 whole chicken, 3.5-4 lbs.

4 tsp. Kosher salt

2 Tbs. ground cumin

2 Tbs. paprika

1 tp. Freshly ground black pepper

3 medium cloves garlic, finely chopped

2 Tbs. white vinegar

2 Tbs. vegetable oil

Preheat the grill to a low temperature.

Spatchcock the chicken by cutting out the backbone, breaking the breastbone and flattening the chicken.

In a small bowl, mix together the salt, cumin, paprika, pepper, garlic, vinegar and oil into a paste.  Smear the paste all over the chicken.  Put a temperature probe in the chicken breast.

Grill the chicken bone-side down until the temperature is approaching 150 degrees, which will take 40-60 minutes.  Flip the chicken to be skin-side down to crisp up the skin.  (Turn the temperature up to medium if using a gas grill).  When the temperature in the breast reaches 150, remove the chicken to a platter and cover it will aluminum foil.  Allow it to rest for 10 minutes before cutting it.  Serve it with Peruvian Green Sauce.

Update 8/9/24 – I roasted 2 spatchcocked chickens in the oven at the beach skin-side up. I think I followed the NYT recommendation of 450 degrees. I roasted until the temperature of the breast was 150 degrees, which I think it took around 40 minutes.


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