To provide some variety in the desserts on our annual canoe trip to the Boundary Waters of northern Minnesota, I have been experimenting with baked rice puddings. In camp these will be baked in a reflector oven (although they could also be baked in a Dutch oven), while my proof-of-concept at home was baked in a 350 degree oven.
Large supermarkets now contain two key ingredients of rice pudding in forms suitable for camping. Rice is available cooked in 2 cup sealed packages. Evaporated milk is available in a 17 oz. carton in the baking section. This version was making the rice pudding with those easily available quantities of key ingredients and baking for 30 minutes. Since the pudding will thicken after it stops baking, 25 minutes would have been better and would have left it creamier.
(Note: V1 also used cooked rice from a package, and used Nido milk powder and sour cream powder for the milk. It was OK, but had less liquid and ultimately was too dry. When cooled, it could be cut like a pie.)
Carol thinks this version made portions for our 7 member group which are a bit on the small side, and wants me to figure out how to make them a bit larger, through using some instant rice and powdered milk. That will be the next version.
2 cups cooked rice (Used Uncle Ben’s original – Carol likes Uncle Ben’s jasmine better)
17 oz. evaporated milk (Carnation carton)
1/3 cup sugar
½ cup raisins
1 tsp. vanilla
1 egg (used 2 Tbs. powder)
½ tsp. cinnamon
Mix together the ingredients and put them in a 9 inch cake pan to bake at a medium temperature. Periodically stir the pan. Bake around 25 minutes, until it is a little on the runny side, since it will thicken as it cools.