Refrigerator Pickles

These easy and tasty quick pickles are a signature dish of Jestine’s Kitchen in Charleston, SC, where they are served on the table instead of bread at the beginning of the meal. This posting was adapted from Holly Herrick’s The Charleston Chef’s Table. Although the recipe calls for the pickles to be marinated overnight, they were ready to eat after about 6 hours. Everyone liked them at the Memorial Day barbeque, although some people found the many peppercorns a nuisance to eat around. I also might want to experiment with the thickness of the cucumbers and onions. I cut them on the thinnest setting on my mandolin, and the next time will try the second thinnest setting to see if I like it better or not. Freshly made, the pickles have a very pleasant crunch to them


2 medium cucumbers, peeled, cut in half and thinly sliced (or 1 large English cucumber, not halved)

½ large onion, peeled and thinly sliced

1 Tbs. whole black peppercorns

6 Tbs. white wine vinegar

6 Tbs. sugar

Large pinch of salt

Mason jar


Mix together in a bowl the cucumbers, onion, and peppercorns. Pack them into a mason jar. In a second bowl mix together the vinegar, sugar, and salt until the solids are dissolved. Pour the vinegar mixture into the mason jar to cover the cucumbers and onions. Cover the mason jar with plastic wrap and a ring. Shake well and refrigerate. Periodically shake again to mix. The pickles will be ready in 6+ hours, and should be eaten chilled within a day or two

Note – If the vinegar mixture is not enough for the size of the cucumbers, mix more following a 1-to-1 ratio of vinegar and sugar.



2 thoughts on “Refrigerator Pickles”

  1. These were very enjoyable but I would recommend using a tea strainer next time so the peppercorns aren’t a nuisance!

    1. Thanks for the comments. I will soon post comments on version 2, in which all the peppercorns are at the bottom of the mason jar, flavoring the pickling liquid, but away from most of the cucumber slices. I think version 3 will be without peppercorns. In version 2, I also made the cucumbers and onions a bit thicker. I used the 2nd setting on the mandolin (3 mm.)

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