Japanese Cabbage and Citrus Salad

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We had a head of cabbage in the refrigerator and Carol challenged me to come up with a suitable cabbage salad to accompany some Japanese beef curry.  Here is the basic idea of what I made based on a recipe in Nancy Singleton Hachisu’s book Japanese Farm Food.  Just do everything to taste, and use what you have on hand.  It turned out well.  This made about 3 servings

¼ head of cabbage, thinly sliced and coarsely chopped

2 clementines, peeled and roughly chopped

1 Tbs. Lemon juice

1 tsp. Sesame seeds

1 Tbs. Vegetable oil

Salt and pepper

Mix the cabbage and clementines in a bowl.  Add the lemon juice, sesame seeds, and vegetable oil, and some salt and pepper.  Taste and adjust seasoning.


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